Wednesday, August 12th 2009

Woke at 3:00 am. (my alarm was set for 4:15 but I was wide awake at 3 so I got up)
Breakfast: large, strong coffee and 3 pieces of bio, whole wheat toast

Bike: 48 km in about 1:45 (had to stop for 5 minutes to figure out why the chain was making a scratching noise) I will pick up the cervelo today

Lunch: small tuna and chick pea salad and one small can of tuna, two whole wheat crackers

Swam: 40 minutes open water. My first swim in a while so I did not have a good feel for the water.
The water was rough.

Picked up my new bike, Cervelo P3 and rode the bike home from bike shop, 10km
The bike is completely different to my trek and will take me a few rides to get used to the TT bars and the thumb gears.

Dinner: white fish, asparagas – sophie cooked so the food was great and all bio. Sophie is really into Bio food and only buys bio products.

Total training: about 3 hours
Its 8:15 pm and I am going to sleep now