Sunday, August 16th 2009

Woke at 3:15 (alarm was set for 4:15, but got up because I was awake)
Breakfast: Strong coffee, 4 pieces of whole wheat toast and a large infinitnutrition drink
Bike: 3:12 easy ride, 85km
My schedule said an easy ride not focusing on speed, just riding the bike for 3 hrs, so I didn’t go fast, but to be honest, I wanted to do 90km within the 3 hours. I left my house at 5:15. I prefer to ride early because there are less cars.
Great, gorgeous ride to just past San Remo, Italy and back. I felt great, but at km 78 (2:45)
I was suddenly became dead tired and had no energy. I took only one water bottle which I finished at the 90 minute mark and think I was dehydrated.
The last 5 km is all up hill so the last 5 km was absolute hell.
In the end I rode about 82km in 3:00, but I did not focus on speed. I rode my trek because the cervelo needs to be fixed.
comments: I need to drink more. My legs felt good for 75km and then they simply died. I think its a combination of the weights (squats) and the late 90min run last night and I didnt stretch enough before. I stumbled upon a long bike path (small street just for people who ride bikes) at the entrance of San Remo so I rode on this path for 15-20 km in total) Perfect bike path because it was right along the water so the view was beautiful. My neck and shoulders started to hurt badly toward the end (assume fatigue from the weights) I have a long way to go to be able to break 6 hours on the bike leg.

Scott N if you are reading this – send me an email telling me about your bike and your training. what bike do you ride? Glad to hear you are doing the IM with me in Dec.

9:00 Snack: diet coke, power bar, infitnutrition “repair” drink and large bowl of blue and black berries and small portion of cottage cheese with algave.
took a shower and then went back to sleep for 2 hours
Lunch: ham and cheese omlette and a bowl of raddishes
Dinner: filet of beef and small salad. bowl of strawberries
walked home from the restaurant, 3 km steep hill.

Total training time: 3:40 minutes (including the walk home)