Wednesday, July 14th 2010
Woke at 3:45, but got out of bed at 4:00 enjoyed my coffee and lemon juice and read the news.
WEIGHTS: (5:00 – 6:00) light weight: 4 x 20 squats, 4 x 50 lat pull, 4 x 50 straight bar pull down, 4 x 20 incline bench, 4 x 15 shoulder press
CROSS TRAINER: 60 minutes I did level 15 out of 25 focused on working my arms and back
SWIM: pool for 20 minutes just for the feel for the water and to cool down
SWIM: (18:00 – 19:00) 60 minutes open water in Roquebrune – close to my office in Monaco and my house in La Turbie, so I have no excuse.
As stated yesterday, my neck is completely chaffed and burns in the water. I put a lot of vaseline on it, even at the office which sort of ruined a dress shirt of mine. I feel very strong and have the best feel for the water that I have had since I was a swimmer 20 years ago.
Weights were good. I lifted less weight and more reps — cross trainer was great and went by very fast.