tuesday, July 12th 2011

8:30 – 10:00 Swim:  4,000 meters (various sets which added up to 4,000 meters, but too tired to type them all out now)

Worked from 11am – 13:30

14:00 – 15:45 Run:  My left knee hurt for the first 20 minutes (my original knee problems were with my right knee, and since surgery on it back in March, it never hurts – I hope the left knee will heal like the right one.
The first 60 minutes of the run flew by and I felt ok, but around the 70 minute mark, I was extremely dehydrated — it was hot and I didnt drink enough yesterday or today before I ran.

16:30 – 18:00 went back to the apartment and worked.

19:30 – 21:30 core strength training:  Mario and I hammered the core strength training to absolute failure.  I nearly vommited on the squats.  Mario scheduled 60 minutes, but it lasted closer to 2 hours.

Got home arond 10pm and made some brocoli … I am too tired to make anything else.  Brocoli and drank a lot of cold water.

Comments:  Tomorrow I have a management meeting with Sophie, Nic and Fabien scheduled in between my morning swim and my afternoon bike workout – so I will see how efficient all this training is making me when it comes to work.
But I find myself more organized and focused now because I don’t have any time to waste – thus when I have a conference call scheduled everything runs smoothly.

My two complaints are my diet — it needs to be more consistent and my left knee is sore.  Other than that, everything is coming to plan.