the power of positive encouragement
Navid started a running club in our Dubai office, “team naseba” and more than 25 employees in Dubai have joined this club and are training together.
Last Friday, “team naseba” had 8 members run the RAK ½ marathon.
It was the first time any of them had run such a distance, but each finished the ½ marathon and none of them walked any part of the race.
Dino is from Croatia, Tom is from India, Fabien is French, Navid is from Iran, Anna is from Russia, Adella is from Czech Republic, Nancy is from the UK and Basel is Syrian.
I was very proud as I stood on the side lines and cheered for them.
Several of the team are running again in an another 10km race in 2 weeks.
At least 3 of the team who joined the running club have quit smoking, and have lost weight.
All of them have commented on how they are more “focused” than before.
Surely, this club is having a positive impact across eveyone in the Dubai office, even people who are not members of the running club, are being positively influenced.
…it is motivating to see how Navid’s running club is impacting the office.
What about your office? Why not start a running club, or a cycling club and train together …
the power of positive support and influence.
Good job Navid.
I finally decided to leave a comment here not because I work for naseba or was one of the guys who ran this race, but because I’m amazed and inspired by my chairman Scott, he drove almost 2 hours alone on a Friday morning at 5am from Dubai to RAK to support his team. As he always says “lead by example”. This is a true leadership with a positive impact.
Thanks for you support Scott,
good job team naseba.
Basil G Sharifh
Navs great creativity and ideas made me get up from the ground and get back on track once again. Without him I wouldn’t of thought of participating the HRM and the DM.
As for Scott and Tom they supported me mentally. Scott just being there every few km’s shouting my name and smiling made me feel the support and gave me confidence to finish the race and make it happen & as for Tom he kept on encouraging me to continue and not to stop throughout the race.