“We don’t need any more pussies teaching us to how to grow up and play like pussies.”

I “really like” the quote I am using as the title for todays blog.
Its a comment which was posted on my friends facebook page by someone I do not know (John Boucard) and was in response to a story I am discussing in this blog.

Today’s blog is motivated by a story a friend and high school swim teammate of mine posted on his facebook:

“It’s bad enough that everybody gets a trophy nowadays for participating.  In today’s soccer game, I witnessed a first.
The other team’s coach takes 1 kid out and asked our team to play down a player also. 
Why?  Because that player was tired.”

I thought of my friends story several times today.

Essentially, the coach failed at preparing his team properly, thus one of his athletes became tired.  Instead of forcing the athlete to suffer the consequences for his lack of preparation, the coach enables the unprepared. 

It’s all around us…

Everybody’s a winner.” 
“It’s ok if you fail as long as you try…”
“You don’t feel good today – no problem, go home and rest … you will feel better tomorrow.” 

This type of feel-good, best friendlike  leadership creates a false sense of security.  

Because whether we are doing a sport, a physical challenge, or even a new role in the office … by pushing this “it’s ok if you fail, at least you tried” or “everybody is a winner” … allows some people to only half-heartedly prepare for something – after all, the fear of failure or consequence of lack of preparation is gone because “at least I tried.” 

In the real world performance and results are the only thing which count. 
In the real world not everybody wins.
Victory and achievement favor the ones who are most prepared.

If you are not fully prepared to get the best results possible whether in the classroom, on the field or in the office — too bad for you because someone else out there will be.

The real world does not have family fun breaks when the going gets tough.


3 thoughts on ““We don’t need any more pussies teaching us to how to grow up and play like pussies.”

  1. “If you are not fully prepared to get the best results possible whether in the classroom, on the field or in the office – too bad for you because someone else out there will be.”

    I like this quote, it may be very useful for some people I know and if I ever stumble a bit and forget where I am and where I am going.

    I will add this (even though it’s not mine but from a great hip-hop song by Fort Minor)

    10% luck
    20% skill
    15% concentrated power of will
    5% pleasure
    50% pain
    100% reason to remember the name.

  2. This is a great post Scott. Thank you for sharing your stories, experiences, and insights. I am an avid reader of your blog. I am a business owner myself.
    Parents are only hurting their kids in the long run, if they coddle them too much. I see it all the time.
    If you ever write a book, let me know.

  3. madhu.india

    “Everybody’s a winner.”
    “It’s ok if you fail as long as you try…”
    “You don’t feel good today – no problem, go home and rest … you will feel better tomorrow.”

    These comments do give a false sense of security but would being harsh always help? Kind of confused here Scott. Not able to grab your point here. What am I missing here?