Saturday, July 17th 2010

woke at 6am
Slept 2 hours past my alaram.  I could not fall asleep last night – I think I worked out too late so my body wasnt ready to sleep.  I had to drag myself out of bed this morning- which is normally not the case.

SWIM:  4:10 non stop open water
I went to Castel Plage in Nice and swam a bit past the airport and back.
I felt good for the first 2:30 hours, but I guess the lack of food and water started to take affect.
The last 90 minutes was ok, but the water was very choppy.

Comments:  The swim was good, but the good training over the week caught up with me on the last 90 minutes – I was tired.

On the drive back home, I fell asleep at the wheel at 3 different stop lights in Nice — and angry honking cars had to wake me up!  I could just barely keep my eyes open on the drive home.  Very strainge sensation.
I slept for 90 minutes as soon as I got home.

All in all, I am happy with todays swim.  I had great  feel for the water and my shoulders are not sore — just tired.