Friday, July 16th 2010

woke at 6 (slept through my alarm and slept 2 hours longer than normal)
7:00 – 8:00:  CROSS TRAINER level 15 out of 25

19:00 – 21:00:  WEIGHTS (very light weight with lots of reps)
I did various core exercises between each individual exercise

5 x 20 squats, 4 x 50 lat pull, 4 x 30 straight  bar press, 4 x 20 incline bench, 4 x 20 shoulder press
cooled down with 20 minutes easy on the cross trainer and then a very easy 20 minute swim in the pool.

Comments:  I thought I had a long swim tonight, but as I was leaving the office, I re-checked my schedule and realized it is tomorrow – and weights scheduled for tonight — it was a nice surprise because I didnt feel like swimming 3 hours tonight.
I had a great workout both this morning and tonight.
I am happy with how my shoulders are holding up with all the swimming. 

Tomorrow I have a 4 hour swim so will drive to Nice and do the swim around there andwiil post some pictures.