getting back up

Because of the Eid holiday in Dubai this video is late being posted. 
I don’t like the video mainly because of my commentary isnt great, but I post the video anyways because several people have asked me to post it.

My hip wound has become infected and the lymph node in my right pelvic region is swollen and sore, and my right inner thigh is bruised, I assume from the saddle.

The only training I have done since the crash is swimming and a few times easy rides on my turbo.

I have 16 days until my 7 ironman in 7 days challenge begins. 

Am I concerned?
I have done the training, and Mario has put me in the best shape of my life — but having a (very) sore and swollen right lymph node, and bruised thigh … isn’t pleasant.

The infection in my hip (the reason why my lymph node is now swollen and sore) has taken away my energy, and enthusiasm.
But its part of life … and this accident fits nicely into the theme of the challenge, and everything I blog about.

But … its so much easier “just talking” about getting back up and keep climbing…

Tomorrow we will post a follow up to this video.