Tuesday, July 27th 2010

woke at 3:00 am (slept poorly)

6:00 – 7:30:  CROSS TRAINER:  90 minutes level 15 out of 25 (my heart rate was very low, around 120 bpm)
20 minutes of core training immediately after the cross trainer

18:00 – 19:00:  WEIGHTS:  4 x 20 squats, 4 x 50 lat pull down, 4 x 30 straight bar pull down (works upper back), 4 x 15 incline bench, 4 x 15 shoulder press.  all weight was very light, but towards the end of each rep, I was nearly to failure.

SWIM:  easy 20 minute swim in the pool

Comments:  I did 30 minutes longer of cross trainer than scheduled because my heart rate was very low – even at level 25 out of 25, my heart rate wouldnt go above 130 bpm.  odd.  Also, I was early, so I decided to do a bit more. 
Weights in the afternoon were great.  I did not have swim scheduled today, but I did an easy 20 minutes to cool down from the weights.